From Risk to Performance and Positive Impact


Plenary 4

What is the role of the finance sector in transitioning to a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy? In achieving a green and inclusive world economy – or indeed in delivering the Sustainable Development Goals themselves?

As evidenced by the global sustainability agenda, stakeholder expectations are rising fast as the urgency to address the challenges of our time increases. What does this mean for business and for the finance sector in particular?

Almost 25 years after the coining of “sustainable finance” as a concept, sustainability issues are increasingly recognized as being of strategic relevance to financial institutions. The sustainability-related performance of portfolios is becoming of relevance to performance overall.

This session will show how private finance, in conjunction with the private sector more broadly, is at a critical juncture where being an active player in the design and delivery of a sustainable economy is rapidly becoming the best risk management strategy and the best growth strategy rolled into one.


Eric Usher
Head, UNEP Finance Initiative

Keynote Speaker

Kyte Rachel Rachel Kyte
Chief Executive Officer, Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All),
Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All, Austria


Vice President Executive Officer and
Member of the Board of Executive Officers of Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A., Brasil
Saker Nusseibeh Saker Nusseibeh
Chief Executive Officer of Hermes Investment Management, United Kingdom
Gerald Walker Gerald Walker
Chief Executive Officer of Wholesale Banking, UK, Ireland & Middle East, ING Bank