Karsten Löffler

Mr. Karsten Löffler is Managing Director (Geschäftsführer) of Allianz Climate Solutions GmbH (ACS), the center of competence of Allianz Group for climate change and renewable energy.

He is responsible for integrating relevant climate change considerations into the Allianz’ core business. Karsten has 25+ years of experience in finance, low-carbon energy and insurance-related product development.


He is involved in / as

  • UNEP Finance Initiative: Chair of the Climate Change Advisory Group;
  • Geneva Association’s Extreme Events and Climate Risks Working Group;
  • Private sector observer to the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience of the Climate Investment Funds;
  • Advisor to the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance.
  • Insurance Development Forum’s Technical Advisory Facility

Moreover, Karsten is member of the supervisory board of Oikocredit U.A., The Netherlands, a development cooperative that provides funding to the microfinance sector, trade cooperatives, fair trade organisations and SMEs.

He earned his Diploma in Business Administration at the University of Göttingen, Germany. He is a Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA).