Company Profile
UBS is one of the world’s leading financial firms, serving a discerning client base. As an organization, it combines financial strength with a culture that embraces change. UBS is the world’s largest wealth manager, a top tier investment banking and securities firm, and a key global asset manager. In Switzerland, UBS is the market leader in retail and commercial banking.

UBS, headquartered in Zurich and Basel, is present in all major financial centers worldwide. It has offices in 50 countries, with 39% of its employees working in the Americas, 38% in Switzerland, 16% in Europe and 7% in the Asia Pacific time zone. UBS’s financial businesses employ over 68,000 people worldwide.

UBS set up several community investment programs which are organized at regional levels. Our success not only depends on the skill and resources of our people and the relationships we foster with clients, but also on the health and prosperity of the communities of which we are a part. Dedicated teams worldwide work closely with senior managers to build partnerships with organizations in the communities where we operate, focusing on education, regeneration and environmental projects.

UBS supports communities in various ways. We make direct cash donations to organizations, and match donations from our employees to selected charity funds. Our employees, through their volunteer efforts, make significant contributions to the communities they are a part of.

Besides the engagement of the bank and its employees, we also give our clients the opportunity of engaging in charitable causes. The UBS Optimus Foundation invests donations from our clients into a number of programs and organizations that focus particularly on children. The projects involve close collaboration with respected partner organizations and are selected by a team of specialists of the Foundation, which also closely monitors their implementation. The costs of managing and administering the UBS Optimus Foundation are borne in full by UBS, so that the full contribution from our clients reaches the projects.

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