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Events, Nature, News, Webinars | 27 January 2022

Sustainable Blue Finance: from guidance to practice

This event aims at showcasing the practical actions taken by financial institutions towards implementing the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles and associated Turning the Tide Guidance. Four leading institutions engaging with sustainable blue finance will introduce a case study ahead of a live Q&A session.

Blue Finance, Nature, News | 03 December 2020

A Blue Path to Recovery: The Power of Finance to Rebuild Ocean Health

Oceans cover 71% of the world's surface, giving Earth the befitting title of the ‘Blue Planet’. The ocean is a planetary superpower that sustains the lives of billions of people and countless marine wildlife. For instance, approximately 3 billion individuals globally are dependent on protein from the ocean for food security. This pivotal role in the global economy establishes the ocean as a vitally important asset to underwriting, lending and investment activities, in businesses which either depend on or impact the ocean and its services.