An introductory training workshop on Environmental and Social Risk Analysis (ESRA) took place during the Green Economy Week in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) on November 13th, 2019. The workshop was organized by UNEP FI, the Ecobanking Project of INCAE Business School, in the framework of the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) activities in Kyrgyzstan. The workshop was organized in collaboration with Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan, PAGE, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and BIOFIN. This was the first ESRA workshop in the country and was delivered in English and Russian.

The purpose of this event was to sensitize the personnel of banks and micro-finance institutions in Kyrgyzstan about the consequences and opportunities generated by the identification and evaluation of the socio-environmental risks of their clients and / or investment partners, and in turn to teach the participants how to detect, reduce and evaluate said risks through tools used by international financial institutions.

Participants’ feedback after the training was good and everyone expressed their satisfaction in the training. In undertaking the workshop, UNEP FI found that the concept of sustainable financing is still new in Kyrgyzstan and that many banks and micro-finance institutions have not yet integrated environmental and social issues into their credit risk management or business strategy. Further activities to raise awareness and build capacity among both the management and the practitioners are therefore required for banks to introduce sustainable finance principles, internal policies and procedures. Indeed this request was voiced by some participants. Since multiple initiatives and organisations are already active in supporting Kyrgyzstan in its sustainable finance journey, maintaining and enhancing a coordinated effort would be the most efficient and effective strategy. 


Вводный семинар по ​​анализу экологических и социальных рисков в Кыргызстане

13 ноября 2019 года | Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

В рамках Недели зеленой экономики, 13 ноября 2019 года в Бишкеке будет проведен вводный семинар по анализу экологических и социальных рисков (ESRA). Этот семинар организуется Финансовой инициативой программы Организации Объединенных Наций по окружающей среде (UNEP FI), Проектом по экобанкингу бизнес-школы INCAE, в партнерстве с Союзом банков Кыргызстана, в сотрудничестве с Международной финансовой корпорацией (IFC) и Государственным секретариатом Швейцарии по экономическим связям (SECO). Это будет первый семинар ESRA в стране. Рабочие языки семинара: английский и русский.

Целью данного мероприятия является информирование персонала финансовых учреждений о последствиях и возможностях, возникающих при выявлении и оценке социально-экологических рисков их клиентов и/или инвестиционных партнеров, а так же обучение участников методам выявления, снижения и оценки указанных рисков с помощью инструментов используемых международными финансовыми институтами.


Contact / Контактное лицо: 

Carolina Yazmín López


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