An online introductory training workshop on Environmental and Social Risk Analysis (ESRA) for Arab banks took place through a series of webinars from 23 to 25 November. The workshop was organized by UNEP FI, the Ecobanking Project of INCAE Business School, in collaboration with the Union of Arab Banks.

The purpose of this event was to sensitize the personnel of Arab banks about the consequences and opportunities generated by the identification and evaluation of the socio-environmental risks of their clients and / or investment partners, and in turn to teach the participants how to detect, reduce and evaluate said risks through tools used by international financial institutions.


  • To bring participants  up to speed regarding the environmental and social risks in lending and investment projects as a consequence of the activities of their clients.
  • To guide participants through strategies and tools to detect, mitigate and evaluate these environmental and social risks.
  • To explore next steps in terms of promoting the effective implementation of E&S risk analysis in the host country’s financial sector at large.

Target Audience:

Total of 25-30 risk managers and analysts in corporate, investment and retail banking with little or no knowledge/experience in ESRA.

Training Agenda


Carolina Yazmín López  –

Geeda Haddad –

Training product of:

In collaboration with: