Leading investors in UN-initiative convene in Stockholm; jointly they are aligning USD 600 billion in assets under management to the low-carbon economy

The members of the Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition (PDC), a UNEP FI-convened platform of 30 leading investors worldwide committed to taking bold portfolio action in response to climate change, are convening in Stockholm, at the invitation and under the auspices of the Scandinavian pension compay Storebrand/SPP, a member of the PDC Steering Committee.

Investor members of the PDC are committed to systematically managing climate-related risks and opportunities across asset classes: equity, fixed income, and alternatives.

In Stockholm members will share cutting edge investors strategies and research focusing both on accelerating the transition to a low carbon economy, and on minimising the financial risks from climate change.

Topics of discussion at the meeting will include:

  • How should investors best measure and disclose to their beneficiaries, clients and stakeholders their climate-related financial risk exposures, as demanded by the Financial Stability Board’s international Task Force on Climate-Related Risk Disclosures?
  • How can investors combine divestment and engagement with companies in results-driven climate strategies?
  • How can financial regulations support and accelerate investor action on climate change?

The meeting’s full agenda can be downloaded from here.