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Andreas Spiegel

Andreas Spiegel

Swiss Re

Head, Sustainability & Political Risk / Director, Group Risk Management

Andreas Spiegel acts as Head Sustainability & Political Risk. His group is assessing and helps mitigate concerns related to environmental, socio-economic (sustainability) impacts of Swiss Re’s business transactions and subsequent reputation risks. In addition it manages exposures to political risks. In his former role as Senior Climate Change Advisor for Swiss Re he was responsible for the coordination of Swiss Re’s climate change activities at Group level, including responsibilities in climate research, business development and advocacy. In 2009/10 he was a member of the official Swiss Federal climate delegation in to the UN climate negotiations and represented Swiss Re on the topic in various external organizations (UNEP FI Climate Change Working Group, Climate Group, Climate Wise, Geneva Association, Economiesuisse – largest umbrella organization representing the Swiss economy, Swiss Insurance Association).

Speaking at these times

14:00 - 15:30 Grand Ballroom 2 Navigating the New Risk Landscape: The Essence of Principles for Sustainable Insurance