At the “Resilience Day” event of COP21, the UNEP FI Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI) Initiative launched the final report of its Global Resilience Project. The report focuses on multi-stakeholder partnerships that have worked to address disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in order to build resilience at different levels of society—from districts and municipalities, to cities and countries.
To complement the disaster risk reduction focus, the report features innovative climate and disaster risk transfer/insurance solutions from around the world, from micro to macro levels. This section also includes effective claims management and the innovation of sharing insurance loss data for resilient planning and development by local governments. Many of the case studies include insurance organisations – many of whom are PSI members – exercising leadership and working together with public, private and civil society stakeholders.
Read the report “Collaborating for resilience: Partnerships that build disaster-resilient communities and economies
IAG’s press release