Past Events

A Legal Framework for Impact Japan: Integrating sustainability goals across the investment industry (English and Japanese)

20 June 2023 | Webinar

The session began with an overview of the report ‘A Legal Framework for Impact’ authored by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, and commissioned by The Generation Foundation, PRI and UNEP FI. This was followed by a presentation of key findings from the legal analysis of Japanese investment regulation. Speakers then discussed investor purpose, how Japanese investors are currently investing for sustainability impact, and what changes in the regulatory environment would facilitate greater sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Japan. The session closed with a moderated Q&A with the audience. Watch the English recording here and the Japanese recording here

本セッションでは、まずA Legal Framework for Impact報告書(The Generation Foundation、国連環境計画・金融イニシアティブ(UNEP FI)、及びPRIの委託の元、フレッシュフィールズ・ブルックハウス・デリンガー法律事務所が調査・執筆)の概要について紹介します。加えて、日本の投資市場に関する法的分析について、市場や政策のトレンドを踏まえて報告します。更に、投資家のパーパス、日本の投資家が現在どのようにサステナビリティ・インパクトをもたらす投資を行っているか、そして日本おけるよりサステナブル且つ包摂的な経済成長に向けて期待される政策や市場環境の発展についてゲストスピーカーにお話いただきます。

A Legal Framework for Impact at PRI in Person

30 November 2022 – 2 December 2022 | Hybrid

Hosted by the PRI, PRI in Person is a world leading conference that explores the future of ESG and responsible investment. This year’s three-day hybrid summit was held in Barcelona from 30 November – 2 December. After a two-year hiatus for the event during the pandemic, the PRI brought together an audience of more than 2,000 investors, together with policymakers, influencers, and commercially diverse stakeholders in sustainable finance. Plenary sessions on pertinent themes to Legal Frameworks for Impact cover Responsible Investment, Net Zero, Human Rights and Purpose. Further sessions explored themes including why and how investors can engage in public policy to drive better sustainability outcomes. View the highlights here. 

A Legal Framework for Impact – Investing for Sustainability Impact in the EU

28 March 2022 | Webinar

Presented by the PRI, the session began with an overview of the “A Legal Framework for Impact” report followed by a presentation of key findings from the legal analysis of EU jurisdiction and areas of reform. The session then explored the understanding of investing for sustainability impact in the context of investors’ legal duties, and ideas for policy reforms to bring investing for sustainability impact into the mainstream of responsible investment. Investors were able to provide concrete example of how they invest for sustainability impact and explore barriers to impact consideration. The session closed with a moderated Q&A with the audience. Watch the recording here.

A Legal Framework for Impact – Investing for Sustainability Impact in the UK

7 March 2022 | Webinar

Hosted by the PRI, the session began with an overview of the report “A Legal Framework for Impact” authored by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, and commissioned by The Generation Foundation, PRI and UNEP FI. A presentation of key findings from the legal analysis of UK investment regulation followed. Speakers then discussed investor purpose, how investors are currently investing for sustainability impact, and what changes in the regulatory environment would facilitate greater sustainable and inclusive economic growth in the UK. The session closed with a moderated Q&A with the audience. Watch the recording here.

サステナビリティ・インパクトを考慮した投資-法的枠組みからの示唆 (A Legal Framework for Impact Japan)

1 March 2022 | Webinar

PRIは、2019年11月よりThe Generation Foundation が支援する「A Legal Framework for Impact」プロジェクトの一環として、UNEP FIと協働しながら11の国/地域における既存の法的枠組みを調査し、投資家によるサステナビリティ・インパクトの考慮がどの程度限定もしくは許容されているのかを分析してきました。2021年7月には、Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLPの協力を得て、本プロジェクトの成果をまとめ、報告書「A Legal Framework for Impact:Sustainability impact in investor decision-making」として発行しました。本報告書では、既存の法的枠組みの分析に加え、政策立案者がサステナビリティ・インパクトの創出を目指す投資の促進に向けて、検討が求められる政策や環境整備の方向性を提示しています。本ウェビナーでは、サステナビリティ・インパクトの創出を目指す投資家が増える中、日本の法的枠組みが投資家の新たなニーズにいかに対応しているのかを「A Legal Framework for Impact:Sustainability impact in investor decision-making」の内容に基づいて報告いたします。また、登壇者の皆様より、それぞれのお立場から、政府の政策動向、投資実務におけるサステナビリティ・インパクトへの投資に係る成果と課題、そして今後の展望を紹介していただきます。Watch the recording here.

A Legal Framework for Impact – Shaping Sustainability Outcomes in Canada

1 December 2021 | Webinar

The session began with an overview of the report “A Legal Framework for Impact” authored by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, and commissioned by The Generation Foundation, PRI and UNEP FI. A presentation of key findings from the legal analysis of Canadian investment regulation followed. Speakers then discussed investor purpose, how Canadian investors are currently investing for sustainability impact, and what changes in the regulatory environment would facilitate greater sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Canada. The session closed with a moderated Q&A with the audience. Watch the recording here.

A Legal Framework for Impact – Shaping Sustainability Outcomes in Australia

24 November 2021 | Webinar

Hosted by the PRI, the webinar presented the key findings from the Australian annex of the report “A Legal Framework for Impact” authored by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and commissioned by The Generation Foundation, PRI, and UNEP FI. The webinar covered the growing momentum behind institutional investors’ pursuit of sustainability outcomes; the extent to which Australian law requires and/or permits them to do so in their investment and stewardship decisions; and options for regulatory clarification and policy development. Watch the recording here.

Global launch webinar: A Legal Framework for Impact Report

21 July 2021 | Webinar

The session presented the key findings from the report “A Legal Framework for Impact” authored by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, and commissioned by The Generation Foundation, PRI and UNEP FI. The session covered discussion on high-level findings of the report on how far investing for sustainability impact is legally required or permitted across 11 jurisdictions; current legal barriers to investing for sustainability impact; and options for policy reform. Speakers offered their views on bringing investing for sustainability impact mainstream, followed by a moderated panel discussion including Q&A with the audience. Watch the recording. Watch the recording here.