The Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA) is governed by a Steering Group and Chair to oversee decision-making and strategy. The Steering Group is selected by member banks, and represents a diversity of geographies and business models.

The Group meets at both the ‘Principal’ level, with C-suite delegates ensuring that the strategy is embedded at the heart of organisations, and at the ‘Representative’ level, with working-level delegates tackling the on-the-ground practicalities of delivering on the commitment. NZBA is supported and convened by the UNEP FI Secretariat, and the United Nations also holds a seat on the Steering Group.

The Alliance operates in compliance with the NZBA governance document. First adopted in October 2021, it was updated in August 2023, and again in March 2024. You can also read more about NZBA’s Accountability Mechanism here.

Chair of the Steering Group

On August 1st, 2024, First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB) became the new Chair of the NZBA Steering Group with Ms. Hana Al Rostamani, Group CEO as Principal, and Mr. Shargiil Bashir, Group Chief Sustainability Officer, as Representative. The NZBA Chair is selected by the members of the NZBA Steering Group.

Steering Group

The NZBA Steering Group periodically refreshes its membership as the terms of banks in the group come to an end. Alliance members agreed that from mid-July 2024 the number of seats on the steering group will be increased from 12 to 14, adding two additional seats for the APAC region, reflecting growth in the number of member banks in that region. From 16 July 2024, membership of the steering group is as described below.

Representative Role
Principal Role
Amalgamated Bank
Ivan Frishberg, Senior Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer Priscilla Sims Brown, CEO
Bank of America
Alex Liftman, Global Environmental Executive Paul Donofrio, Vice Chairman
José Luis Muñoz, Executive Director Investor Relations & ESG Dr Gerardo Salazar, Financial Group’s Head of Risk Management and member of the Board of Directors of Banorte Financial Group
Antoni Ballabriga Torreguitart, Global Head Sustainability Intelligence & Advocacy Carlos Torres Vila, Chairman
Luanne Sieh, Group Chief Sustainability Officer Gurdip Singh Sidhu, CEO, CIMB Malaysia and CIMB Bank Berhad, and Group Chief Operating and People Officer
Val Smith, Chief Sustainability Officer and Managing Director Ed Skyler, Head of Enterprise Services and Public Affairs
First Abu Dhabi Bank
Shargiil Bashir, Group Chief Sustainability Officer Hana Al Rostamani, Group CEO
La Banque Postale
Adrienne Horel-Pagès, Chief Sustainability Officer Stéphane Dedeyan, CEO
Lloyds Banking Group
Khadija Ali, Group Director, Sustainability & Responsible Business Andrew Walton, Chief Sustainability Officer
Shahril Azuar Jimin, Group Chief Sustainability Officer Dato’ Khairussaleh Ramli, President and Group CEO
Tomo Ishikawa, Chief Regulatory Engagement Officer Hideaki Takase, Managing Corporate Executive, Group Chief Strategy Officer
Peter Sandahl, Head of Climate & Environment, Deputy CSO Anja Hannerz, Group Head of Sustainability
Royal Bank of Canada
Jennifer Livingstone, Vice President, Climate Strategy Maria Douvas, Chief Legal and Administrative Officer
United Nations
Curtis D. Ravenel, Senior Advisor to Mark Carney, and Eric Usher, Head of UNEPFI Mark Carney, UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance, and Chair of Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ)
Michael Chen, Acting Chief Sustainability Officer Anthony Miller, Chief Executive Business and Wealth