3-14 October, 2016 | Turin, Italy

The Green Economy Academy is a two-week capacity building event, organised by the Partnership for Action on Green Econony (PAGE), which aims at addressing topics relevant for inclusive green economies. This year’s edition provided an in-depth overview and understanding of latest global agendas, as well as practical tools and good practices – from assessments, to stakeholder engagement, policy formulation and strategy implementation – that several countries were adopting in their efforts to transition to environmentally viable and socially inclusive economies. Beyond its specific learning objectives, the overall purpose of this event was to contribute to enhance institutional capacities for transformative change towards greener economies.

In collaboration with UNEP FI and the International Labour Organisation’s Social Finance Programme, this year the Academy spent one day focusing on sustainable finance. UNEP FI moderated a Plenary Session on “Financing the Green Economy” featuring experiences from Ghana, Mongolia, South Africa and Egypt.  The subsequent 5-hour elective on “Mobilizing Finance for Sustainable Development” was jointly prepared and delivered by UNEP FI and the ILO Social Finance Programme and attracted more than 30 participants. The elective discussed the role of private and public finance in reaching the 2030 agenda and elaborated the particular roles of industry stakeholders to include environmental, social and governance concerns within the financial system to bring about socially inclusive green economies.

For more information on this training event, please visit the ILO website.
