UNEP FI works with members and partners to embed social and human rights into mainstream finance. The Social and Human Rights team supports the work of UNEP FI by ensuring alignment with the three core values of the United Nations — human rights, inclusion, and gender equality.
Key to ensuring social considerations are properly incorporated into the sustainability agenda, financial institutions also play an important role in financing companies and projects that improve financial health and inclusion, promote decent work, and contribute to a just transition that leaves no one behind.
Financial institutions can contribute to the long-term promotion of human rights and the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by aligning policies and practices with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), integrating social and human rights considerations into their target setting, and implementing due diligence processes to identify, avoid, mitigate, and remediate social and human rights risks in their portfolios.
Human Rights
Explore our Human Rights Toolkit and join a community of practice to participate in the development of human rights resources
Just Transition
Find out more about the just transition and get involved in providing feedback on guidelines and practical resources on just transition for financial institutions
Financial Health and Inclusion
Find out more about UNEP FI’s commitment to fnancial health and inclusion
Access guidance for financial institutions on setting and meeting gender targets and indicators
Have a look at our Social and Human Rights Strategy to learn more and discover how we are helping UNEP FI members meet their social and human rights commitments.