07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
Fiduciary responsibility – Legal and practical aspects of integrating environmental, social and governance issues into institutional investment
A legal roadmap for fiduciaries to operationalise their commitment to responsible investment
Executive Summaries
Chinese, French, Portuguese, Spanish
Executive Summary: The materiality of climate change — How finance copes with the ticking clock
A comprehensive review of key financial analyst research on climate change
Energy Efficiency and the Finance Sector
Provides an evidence base on the status quo, the barriers and possible ways forward in the field of energy efficiency finance. (Executive Summary)
Chinese version summary
Article: Insuring Climate Change and Sustainability — Unleasing innovation and intelligent partnerships
UNEP FI article in the 2008 Climate Action report launched at the UN Climate Change Conference in Poznan, Poland in December 2008
If You Ask Us…Understanding Corporate Sustainability Disclosure Requests
This report seeks to frame the business case for companies – financial institutions or otherwise – who are asked to respond to sustainability-related surveys.
Australasian UNEP Finance Initiative Newsletter – Issue 15
News and updates on UNEP FI activities in Australasia from EPA Victoria
Concept paper: Making Forests Competitive – Exploring insurance solutions for permanence
View the related event: Making Forests Competitive – Practical Solutions for Permanence (UNFCCC COP 14) 9 December, Poznan, Poland Published:…
GRI Financial Services Sector Supplement
The sustainability reporting standard for the financial sector
CEO Briefing on Human Rights
This Briefing clarifies how human rights relate to the activities of financial institutions and develops practical tools and guidance that can be used by the sector to better assess and manage its human rights-related risks.
Narrowing the gap: A survey of the barriers and drivers to commercial microfinance in Africa
Commercial microfinance in Africa can play a critical role in sustainable growth.