Company profile

VidaCaixa centers its activity on the life and pension plan business. Its business model centers on expert advice to its customers and the design of specialized managed solutions in life insurance and pension plans, thereby responding to the needs of all its customers, be they private individuals, SMEs, the self-employed or large companies.

As the insurance subsidiary of CaixaBank, its activity is integrated in the mission of the Group to contribute to the financial well-being of customers and the progress of society.

VidaCaixa and sustainability

VidaCaixa analyses 100% of its assets through environmental, social and good corporate governance criteria. In 2018 and 2019 VidaCaixa managed to achieve the maximum recognition by the United Nations for its responsible investment management (A+).

VidaCaixa has a continuous effort to maintain an investment strategy that complies with the highest standards of transparency, good governance, human rights and labor protection, and the protection of the environment. As a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment and a member of the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance, VidaCaixa continues to advance in these commitments with the challenge of embedding sustainability in its business model and in its activity.

Sustainability on the web