12 January 2011 | Frankfurt, Germany
On the 12th January in Frankfurt, Germany, the new report ‘Advancing adaptation through climate change information services: Results of a global survey on the information requirements of the financial sector’, was launched by UNEP FI and the Sustainable Business Institute (SBI), sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The results of this international survey raise key questions regarding the needs of financial institutions for more developed information on the impacts of changing weather patterns, especially if urgently needed adaptation measures can begin to be implemented. The launch event saw these results complemented by a series of presentations and discussions from representatives of leading financial institutions, which highlighted the relevance of these issues for both public and private sectors and looked at how cooperation can begin to tackle the challenges ahead. Many thanks to Deutsche Bank (DB) for kindly hosting this event.
- Climate Services as Public and Private Challenges – A Strategic View and First Lessons Learned (PDF: 3.4 MB)
Guy P. Brasseur, Climate Service Center - Launch and Discussion of the UNEP FI / SBI Report (PDF: 457 KB)
Guido Stier, Direktor Industrie Sach und Firmenkunden Sach, AXA Versicherung AG - Climate Change Finance Forum (PDF: 545 KB)

(below) Discussion

Prof Dr Guy Brasseur, Paul Clements-Hunt, Ernst Rauch