In order for G20 economies to achieve sustainable, low-carbon growth and development, increasing investments into energy efficiency, innovation and broader clean energy technologies is key.
The G20 Global Summit on Financing Energy Efficiency, Innovation and Clean Technology will take stock of global finance and investments into energy efficiency, innovation and low-carbon technologies, with the energy transition for buildings as one focus area. The event will provide the opportunity for leading financial institutions and policy makers to assess the state of play and define elements of action for G20 economies for the new decade, thereby supporting G20 economies’ objectives to achieve sustainable energy transitions.

United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan
12 June 2019
10:00 – 10:30
Welcome and Introduction:
Speaker introductions:
Benoit Lebot, Executive Director, International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation and Summit Co-Host
Atsushi Taketani, Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs & Chair of G20 Energy Transitions Working Group, METI, G20 Presidency of Japan
Satya Tripathi, Assistant Secretary General, United Nations and Summit Co-Host
Stefan Möbs, Head of the Economic Department, German Embassy of Japan
10:30 – 11:00
Keynote speeches:
Norihiro Takahashi, President, Government Pension Investment Fund, Japan (GPIF)
Amory Lovins, Co-Founder and Chief Scientist, Rocky Mountain Institute
11:00 – 12:00
Plenary session 1: Global stock take with financial institutions
Peter Sweatman, Rapporteur of the G20 EEFTG and CEO,Climate Strategy
Ritu Arora, CEO, Allianz Investment Management Asia
Masahiro Kobayashi, Director General, International Affairs and Research Department, Japan Housing Finance Agency
Gabriela Elizondo, Global Lead Clean Energy, Worldbank Group EEX
Tatiana Bosteels, Director, Hermes Investment Management and board member, IIGCC
Anthony Cox, Deputy Director, Delegation lead, OECD
12:00 – 13:00
High-Level Roundtables
Roundtable A: Financing innovative technologies
Hiroki Kudo, Board Member and Director, Charge of Electric Power Industry & New and Renewable Energy Unit, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
Dolf Gielen, Director of Innovation and Technology Centre, IRENA
Hiroyuki Tezuka, Fellow of Climate Change Policy Group, General Manager of Technology Planning Department, JFE Steel Corporation
Masaaki Nagamura, General Manager, International Initiatives, Strategy and Synergy Department, Tokio Marine Holdings
Takao Aiba, Project General Manager, Environmental Affairs Division, Advanced R&D and Engineering Company, Toyota Motor Corporation
Masahiro Kobayashi, Associate Officer, Daikin Industries
13:00 – 14:00
Networking Lunch
14:00 – 14:10
14:10- 15:10
Afternoon Keynote 1:
Fiona Reynolds, Chief Executive, Principles for Responsible Investment
Roundtable B: Financing energy efficiency & clean energy
Miho Kurosaki, Head of Japan and Korea Research, Bloomberg NEF
Hidetoshi Nakagami, CEO and Founder, Jyukankyo Research Institute
Sandra Schoonhoven, Head of Sustainability, ING Bank
Masato Ito, Head of Sustainable Property Promotion Team, Real Estate Advisory Department, Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank
Mari Yoshitaka, Chief Environmental & Social Strategist, Environmental Strategy Advisory Division, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities
Glenn Pearce-Oroz, Director of Policy Programmes, UN SEforAll
15:10- 15:20
Afternoon Keynote 2:
Nobuo Tanaka, Chairman, Innovation for Cool Earth Forum
15:20 – 16:20
Plenary session 2:
High-level Policy Dialogue with G20 ETWG Member Delegations
16:20 – 16:40
Closing keynotes:
Keisuke Sadamori, Director of the Office for Energy Markets and Security, International Energy Agency
Andrew McDowell, Vice President, European Investment Bank (EIB, by video link)
16:40 – 17:00
Summary and conclusions
Summary summit conclusions and declaration by Peter Sweatman, Summit Rapporteur and Chair of the High-Level Steering Committee
Summit close by Yuga Hasegawa, Director, Energy Supply and Demand Policy Office, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Japan
Further information on the event and how to participate is available here. Financial institutions interested in participating please contact Martin Schoenberg, Energy Efficiency Project Coordinator, martin.schoenberg (at)

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