07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
UNEP FI Review 2022 and 2023
In this review summarizing the achievements of UNEP FI and its network of members during the years 2022 and 2023, find out how UNEP FI continued to help banks and insurers implement the industry frameworks, the Principles for Responsible Banking and the Principles for Sustainable Insurance, as well as the progress of the groundbreaking UN-convened net-zero alliances.
Insuring a resilient nature-positive future: Global guide for insurers on setting priority actions for nature
Building on the Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI)’s long-standing work on nature-related issues over the past decade, the PSI Working…
Closing the Gap: The emerging global agenda of transition plans and the need for insurance-specific guidance
The unprecedented global transition to a resilient net-zero economy requires insurance companies to adapt their business models and strategies to…
Insuring the Climate Transition in Brazil
The insurance sector plays a fundamental role in managing and mitigating climate risks, offering protection against financial losses and enabling…
Just Transition Finance: Pathways for Banking and Insurance
This report outlines the social and economic impacts of the low-carbon transition and supports banks and insurance companies in taking part in the achievement of a just transition.
Nature-Positive Insurance: Evolving Thinking and Practices
Authored by UNEP FI’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative and Nature Team, this briefing paper articulates the role that insurers can play in supporting the goals of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and ultimately support the transition to a nature-positive global economy.
Health is Our Greatest Wealth: How life & health insurers can drive better health outcomes and address the protection gap
The global health crisis has highlighted the importance of population access to healthcare and the need for individuals to take…
Closing the protection gap in Canada: A social sustainability framework for the Canadian life and health insurance industry
Developed by the Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative’s Canadian Insurance Industry Task Force Social Thematic Working Group, this paper is…
NZIA Target-Setting Protocol Version 1.0
The NZIA Target-Setting Protocol serves as a voluntary best practice guide to aid in the accurate measurement, standardisation, and comparability…
Key Takeaways from the UNEP FI Leadership Council Meeting 2022
In November 2022, UNEP FI convened for the second time its Leadership Council of CEOs of banks and insurers to…