Stockholm+50 Side Event

Changing consumption and production patterns, scaling up circularity and sustainable finance are key themes that have emerged as priorities during the Stockholm+50 consultations at the national, regional, and global levels.

Building circularity in our economies requires designing out waste and pollution, retaining the value of materials and products and keeping them in the economy, while also regenerating natural systems. It leads to the transition from the current ‘take, make and dispose’ extractive industrial model to a decoupling of economic activity. Circularity is a promising pathway to the Sustainable Development Goals and for a sustainable COVID-19 recovery. Countries, companies, and institutions around the globe are embracing approaches on circular economy and building cooperation to accelerate this shift. However, most financial institutions are yet to address related risks and lack awareness of financially viable opportunities, while this sector is essential to scale up financing for circularity.

This event will bring together financial institutions, development banks, UN Agencies, and other partners to share their insights, initiatives and best practices on financing circularity and its potential for a sustainable recovery and green jobs generation.