A new initiative to build climate resilience in the world’s most vulnerable countries was launched today by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and 13 members within the UN system at COP21, the Paris Climate Conference. The new initiative will strengthen the ability of countries to anticipate hazards, absorb shocks, and reshape development to reduce climate risks. The newly announced initiative, the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Resilience Initiative — Anticipate, Absorb, Reshape — will help address the needs of the nearly 634 million people, or a tenth of the global population who live in at-risk coastal areas just a few meters above existing sea levels, as well as those living in areas at risk of droughts and floods. The Secretary-General’s Climate Resilience Initiative brings transformative projects from different agencies in several areas, including the Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative. The world is now experiencing a strong El Niño event, which could place as many as 4.7 million people at risk from drought in the Pacific alone.

07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD