Company Profile
Rockefeller Asset Management is a division of Rockefeller Capital Management, a leading independent financial services firm offering wealth management, asset management and strategic advisory services to institutions and ultra- and high-net-worth individuals. Our investment approach at Rockefeller Asset Management is to identify a relatively concentrated portfolio of compelling investment opportunities over a long-term horizon by conducting fundamental analysis that integrates environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors.

Rockefeller and Sustainability
Our experience in sustainability and impact investing stems from the 1970s when the Rockefeller Family gave a powerful voice to the view that investment decisions have environmental and social dimensions as well as financial value. Our belief is that adding material ESG criteria to an investment selection process should not require the sacrifice of financial performance. Rather, we believe this helps us better identify risks and opportunities when measuring a company’s intrinsic value.

Besides integrating our research into the investment process, a significant portion of our work revolves around engagement with companies, on behalf of our clients, in seeking to influence positive change on global ESG issues. Rockefeller Asset Management believes that encouraging companies to adopt best practices raises the bar for the company and its sector, impacting the wider economy, and ultimately the world we live in.

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