The Natural Value Initiative: Linking Shareholder and Natural Value

The Natural Value Initiative (NVI) is a toolkit to enable investors to evaluate biodiversity impacts and ecosystem services dependency within the food, beverage and tobacco (FBT) sectors, which are especially dependent on the ecosystem services provided by biodiversity. UNEP Finance Initiative, international environmental NGO Fauna and Flora International, and the Brazilian business school FGV collaborated on this initiative which aims to raise awareness of the links between biodiversity, investment value and the finance sector. The Ecosystem Services Benchmark guidance document and the public report Linking Shareholder and Natural Value containing results of the analysis were launched by the Dutch Ministry of Environment at the UNEP FI Global Roundtable.
Executive summary
Published: 2009 | by: UNEP IF

The Natural Value Initiative: Linking Shareholder and Natural Value (3.1 MB | 78 pages)