This report presents the state of play of financial institutions and their expectations towards the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), reviewing the current level of integration of nature-related risk assessment and reporting in the decision-making processes of selected institutions. The study also includes identification of incentives and barriers for financial institutions to mainstream the dimension of nature within their business, while considering how the TNFD can help develop opportunities and overcome these challenges.

It brings recommendations aimed to inform the TNFD and catalyse its adoption by the market at large, aiming to foster the level of collective adoption necessary for the TNFD to generate gradual market change, improving the consideration of nature in the business strategies, governance, and decision-making processes of financial institutions.

This study along with its Technical Annex* have been developed by UNEP FI and UNDP, with support from Global Canopy and The Biodiversity Consultancy.

*Please click here to download the Technical Annex.