With its long coastline, high population density, and geographic location, Vietnam is particularly susceptible to climate-related hazards and needs to quickly develop suitable adaptation and resiliency measures. As a rapidly industrialising country and with nations transitioning to a low-carbon economies, Vietnam also faces high transition risks. By exploring Vietnam’s physical and transition risks, financial institutions will be able to identify risks within their portfolios as well as potential opportunities to support climate mitigation and adaptation in the country.

This paper features an overview of the climate-related financial risks and opportunities in Vietnam and their impacts on different economic sectors. Developed with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB), the report explores current good practices for each of the eleven TCFD recommended disclosures and provides an accessible user guide to institutions looking to take the first steps on climate risk management, assessment, and disclosure.