One of UNEP FI’s strategic pillars is the regional delivery of our work programmes, which means translating our global programmes at the regional level and providing regional implementation support. Regional teams are the main focal point for members to support implementation and knowledge sharing within their regions. This provides a network and hub for innovation and expertise and the opportunity to participate in training, capacity building, special projects, webinars and events at the regional level.

UNEP FI’s Regional Leads organise virtual meetings, webinars and events to share the UNEP FI’s latest international research and tools, undertake surveys to understand local needs and sustainable finance agendas, engage members in projects to ensure regional representation on the global level including during Regional Advisory Body meetings, Working Groups, and Communities of Practice. They also share examples of good practice, establish networks across public and private sector stakeholders and facilitate exchange amongst members.

Regional teams are involved in various activities including:

  • Implementation support for UNEP FI frameworks with regional context including technical workshops on climate, nature, just transition, circular economy, financial health/inclusion.
  • Engagement with members via workshops, events, and trainings.
  • Region-focused projects such as V20 facility, Circular Economy in LAC and Sustainable Finance in Indonesia, and country contextualised versions of the PRB Academy.
  • Policy engagement and support of taxonomies at the country level
  • UNEP FI Regional Roundtables – our flagship regional events held every two years
  • Collaboration with supporting institutions to support outreach, events, trainings for members.
  • Participation in global events including CBD COP, G20 Summits, Climate COP, and Climate Weeks.

    All members are encouraged to reach their Regional Leads and participate in activities within their region. You can access your region’s page below to learn more about their priorities and activities.