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Following the initial two-year term of the Principles for Responsible Banking Civil Society Advisory Body, the UNEP FI Secretariat is starting the re-appointment process for the Body members. We invite eligible institutions to apply for the available seat or share any relevant information the Secretariat should take into account in the re-appointment process.

In case you would like to get in touch with the UNEP FI Secretariat, please contact Oualid Rokneddine.

Vacant seat

Out of the twelve civil society organizations currently represented on the Body, the institution holding the climate seat no longer wishes to continue on the Body. Eligible institutions are invited to apply for this seat.

Application Process: to apply for this seat, please

  1. Carefully review Section 3 of the UNEP FI Banking Governance Framework for details on the role, responsibility and eligibility criteria for Civil Society Advisory Body members.
  2. Complete the online application form by March 16th 2023.

Once the application period is over, all received applications will be reviewed against the published criteria. Following the announcement of the results, the evaluation will be made publicly available on the UNEP FI’s website.

Re-appointed seats

Out of the twelve civil society organizations currently represented on the Body, eleven institutions have expressed interest in continuing their term on the Body, in line with UNEP FI’s Banking Governance Framework. These institutions are re-appointed on a no-objection basis:

The UNEP FI Secretariat is committed to ensuring a high level of transparency for the re-appointment process. Therefore, if you have relevant information on any of these organizations that may have an impact on the re-appointment process, please inform Oualid Rokneddine by March 10th 2023. The Secretariat will take into account any input received, and the final members of the Body will be announced in late March.

What is the role of the Advisory Body?

Launched in March 2021, the Civil Society Advisory Body of the Principles for Responsible Banking is a forum for meaningful and constructive engagement between wider civil society and the signatories to the Principles for Responsible Banking. The Body puts each signatory’s commitment to “proactively and responsibly consult, engage and partner with relevant stakeholders to achieve society’s goals” (Principles 4: Stakeholders) into practice at the collective level. It is a key mechanism to help the Principles maintain ongoing relevance with societal needs and ensure Signatory Banks deliver on their commitments with ambition and transparency.

For more details, please refer to the Civil Society Advisory Body webpage.