Calling all Chief Sustainability Officers and other sustainability leaders in banks in Asia Pacific to join us in a high-level dialogue on net-zero target setting. Co-hosted by UNEP Finance Initiative and WWF Asia and supported by the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) and the Indonesia Sustainable Finance Initiative, the Dialogue provides an opportunity for leaders to discuss how to prepare their banks for the transition to a decarbonized economy and explore the enablers to set robust climate targets and identify climate financing opportunities.

Many signatories of the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) and Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA) have already made climate commitments and are working to address challenges in implementing these. Indeed, it’s a collective journey with banks working together on methodologies, transition pathways for sectors, policy advocacy, and client engagement. On the other hand, banks also need to take their individual journeys, engage internal departments, integrate targets into internal systems and policies, advise clients, and develop commercial strategies to avoid being left behind. Governance, culture, and management decisions will be key to accelerating this agenda, working with different departments, Executive Committees, and Boards of Directors.

  • Opening remarks and overview of climate target expectations
  • Setting the scene for net-zero climate targets
  • Adapting the UNEP FI Climate Target Setting Guidelines to a Net Zero by 2060 goal
  • Accelerating banks’ commitments to decarbonise the global economy (dialogue)
  • Credible net-zero commitments: Setting the stage for climate transition strategies with TCFD (dialogue)

Yuki Yasui –

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