07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
UNEP FI and PRI joint Webinar: “Investor views on climate policy: From Cancún to Durban”
Webinar | 22 March 2011, 16:00 GMT While the Cancún Agreements did not provide long-term certainty or a vastly improved…
Launch of UNEP FI and SBI Study on Climate Information
, 12 January 2011 | Frankfurt, Germany On the 12th January in Frankfurt, Germany, the new report ‘Advancing adaptation through…
, 29 November – 10 December 2010 | Cancun, Mexico From the 29 Nov to the 10 Dec 2010 the…
World Climate Summit
4-5 December 2010 | Cancun, Mexico From the 4-5 December 2010 the UNEP Finance Initiative and partners, including the World…
The African Bankers’ Carbon Finance and Investment Forum
4-5 November 2010 | Johannesburg, South Africa UNEP FI and The African Carbon Asset Development Facility along with signatories Standard…
UNEP FI and PRI joint webinar: Outcomes and implications of the historic UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen
Webinar: 28 January 2010 | 4:00 PM – 5:15 PM GMT In December 2009 world leaders finalised historic negotiations at…
From Cape Town to Copenhagen – UNEP FI brings the finance sector perspective to the decisive Climate Change Summit (COP 15)
Cape Town toCopenhagenNEWS CENTRE ,, 7-18 December | Copenhagen, Denmark From the 7th to 18th December 2009 the world’s governments…
CCWG side event creates an essential link between international climate change negotiators & the financial world
, 6 June 2009 | Bonn, Germany UNFCCC June Talks on the run-up to Copenhagen View the webcast of the…
Making Forests Competitive – Practical Solutions for Permanence (UNFCCC COP 14)
9 December | CoP 14 – Poznan, Poland Seminar followed by networking reception. Forests are biological sinks that permanently stabilise…
Carbon Crunch: Meeting the Climate Change Cost (UNFCCC COP 13)
, 11 December 2007 | COP 13 – Bali, Indonesia On December 11th, the UNEP FI Climate Change Working Group…