
Banking, Climate Change, Insurance, Nature, Pollution & Circular Economy, Publications, Social | 20 December 2024

UNEP FI Review 2022 and 2023

In this review summarizing the achievements of UNEP FI and its network of members during the years 2022 and 2023, find out how UNEP FI continued to help banks and insurers implement the industry frameworks, the Principles for Responsible Banking and the Principles for Sustainable Insurance, as well as the progress of the groundbreaking UN-convened net-zero alliances.

Banking, News, Principles for Responsible Banking, Social | 21 February 2024

UNEP FI launches newest guidance on Financial Health and Inclusion for banks

The new Principles for Responsible guidance titled, "Driving Impact on Financial Health and Inclusion of Individuals and Businesses: From Setting Targets to Implementation" is set to support financial institutions advance the financial well-being of their customers, by providing a comprehensive framework for financial institutions to build robust strategies, set impactful targets, and implement informed actions to drive impact in the realm of financial well-being and inclusion.