Climate Change

Africa & Middle East, Banking, Climate Change, Events, Webinars | 30 October 2024

Addressing climate mitigation for banks in Africa and Middle East: Insights and perspectives from banks in the region

During this webinar, learn from the experiences of 3 financial institutions from the United Arab Emirates, Kenya, and Morocco as they showcase their climate mitigation journey so far and engage in a peer-to-peer exchange on challenges ahead and net-zero opportunities from local and regional perspectives.

Adaptation Finance, Climate Change, Publications | 18 October 2024

Physical Climate Risk Assessment and Management: An investor playbook

This playbook gives investors a simplified step-by-step approach to integrating the identification, assessment and management of physical climate risks in the investment process. It focuses on how to assess physical climate risks and identify adaptation and resilience (A&R) opportunities in the context of corporate finance. The playbook is product agnostic, and can be applied to the provision of capital across both equity and debt instruments.