29 November – 10 December 2010 | Cancun, Mexico
From the 29 Nov to the 10 Dec 2010 the world’s governments meet in Cancun, Mexico, to continue a process to enable the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention through long term cooperative action. It is hoped that we will see governments and policy makers make progress in negotiating and agreeing a global response to climate change and the development of a framework to succeed the Kyoto Protocol. UNEP FI will provide private finance input into the official negotiations, both through bilateral discussions with negotiators, as well as an official side event, co-convened with WWF and the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC). More details on the event are below. UNEP FI’s presence at the COP 16 gives a voice to private lenders, insurers and investors on what is required by the future climate change regime in order to better mobilise the skills, entrepreneurship and products of the private sector in what remains one the greatest global challenges of the 21st century.
UNEP FI is also very pleased to be a part of the Rio Convention’s Ecosystems and Climate Change Pavilion at Cancun.
Summary Document
- The official UNFCCC COP16 website
- Full overview of all side events at COP 16
- Summary of the UNEP FI events at Cancun
- Rio Conventions’ Ecosystems Pavilion official site
- UNEP FI at the World Climate Summit 2010
UNEP FI side event at COP16
Financing real transformation? Designing an effective financial mechanism under the convention
UNEP FI will co-host a side event with WWF that will build consensus and convey a joint message from the private financial services sector and the NGO community. We need to mobilise sufficient capital to shift economies to a low-carbon pathway. The session will discuss how significantly scaled up public and private financing are both needed, and how the financial mechanism under the Convention should both aim to leverage private finance and channel public finance into adaptation and mitigation efforts that lack an immediate commercial dimension. The event will highlight what private finance can do in a climate change mitigation context, and what it cannot do. See the Media advisory. See the Press Release. This event is supported by the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC). When? 20:15-21:44, Monday 6th December 2010
Where? Jaguar (Cancunmesse, Hall D)
- Kaveh Zahedi, Climate Change Coordinator, UNEP
- Yolanda Kakabadse, President, WWF
- Ole Beier Sorensen, Chairman, Institutional Investor Group on Climate Change and chief of Research and Strategy at ATP (one of the largest pension fund’s in Europe);
- Mark Fulton, Co-chair of UNEP FI’s Climate Change Working Group and Global Head of Climate Change Investment Research at Deutsche Asset Management
- Leif Ervik, Director General, Ministry of Finance, Norway
- Further developing and developed country negotiators (TBC)