07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
19 December 2023Banking, Climate Change, Insurance, Investment, Nature, News, Policy, Pollution & Circular Economy, SDGs and Impact, Social
17 May 2022Events, Roundtables
21-22 May 2008 | Lagos, Nigeria There is a growing view that banks, insurers, asset managers and other financial sector…
13-16 May 2008 | Singapore The city-state of Singapore, one of Asia’s tiger economies, was the venue of the Merrill…
23-25 April 2008 | Montreux, Switzerland Amid the picturesque Alps and Lake Léman, responsible investment was one of the key…
21, 22 January 2008 | London, UK 12 March 2008 | Montreux, Switzerland Despite the surge in CSR reporting, ESG…
, 11 December 2007 | COP 13 – Bali, Indonesia On December 11th, the UNEP FI Climate Change Working Group…
6 December 2007 | Bali, Indonesia Jointly organised by UNEP Finance Initiative and the Ministry of Environment, Republic of Indonesia,…
13-14 November 2007 | Munich The 2-day conference, jointly organised by UNEP FI and VfU, the Association for Environmental Management…
29-30 October, 2007 | Caracas This is the first time the Latin American Task Force convened a training workshop in…
11 October 2007 | Sofia, Bulgaria UNEP FI’s Central and Eastern European Task Force has held an outreach event for…
9 October 2007 | Bucharest, Romania UNEP FI’s Central and Eastern European Task Force has held an outreach event for…