07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
Events, Latin America & Caribbean, Pollution & Circular Economy, Training | 09 January 2025
Programa de capacitación sobre Financiamiento de la Economía Circular (EC) en Chile
El objetivo de este programa de capacitación es promover el financiamiento de iniciativas de economía circular del sector empresarial en Chile y fortalecer a las instituciones financieras para que puedan ampliar sus carteras en iniciativas de economía circular que contribuyan a la descarbonización del país.
Asia Pacific, Banking, China, News, Policy | 07 January 2025
China embarks on a journey of ESG disclosure: 2024 progress and focus for 2025
The recent high-level Central Economic Work Conference in Beijing laid out a comprehensive and ambitious workplan for China. One of…
Climate Change, Europe, Events, Investment, Nature | 03 January 2025
Sustainable Investment Forum Europe 2025
The 8th Annual Sustainable Investment Forum Europe returns to Paris at the Pullman Montparnasse on the 29th April 2025. Hosted by Climate Action in partnership with UNEP FI, the forum will bring together over 400 senior leaders from institutional investors, regulators, and multilateral institutions to help shape the future of Europe’s economy for a just, net-zero, and nature-positive economy.
Africa & Middle East, Banking, Climate Change, Events, Webinars | 30 October 2024
Addressing climate mitigation for banks in Africa and Middle East: Insights and perspectives from banks in the region
During this webinar, learn from the experiences of 3 financial institutions from the United Arab Emirates, Kenya, and Morocco as they showcase their climate mitigation journey so far and engage in a peer-to-peer exchange on challenges ahead and net-zero opportunities from local and regional perspectives.
Africa & Middle East, Banking, Climate Change, Events | 16 September 2024
Measuring and disclosing GHG emissions associated with financial activities: Insights for banks in Africa & Middle East
This webinar on measuring and disclosing GHG emissions in financial activities is tailored to Africa and Middle East (AME) banks and will discuss the value of measuring financed emissions for banks in the region, introduce the Global GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard and relevant tools and methodologies, developed by the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF), and showcase examples applying the PCAF calculation options.
Africa & Middle East, Banking, Climate Change, Events, Webinar | 22 August 2024
Climate risk assessment and scenario analysis: Insights for banks in Africa and Middle East
This webinar on climate risk assessment and scenario analysis is tailored to Africa and Middle East (AME) banks and will provide an overview of physical and transition risks and their implications for the region, the regulatory landscape for climate risk reporting, and the tools and methodologies for climate scenario analysis.
Latin America & Caribbean, Policy, Publications | 14 August 2024
Taxonomía de Finanzas Sostenibles de Costa Rica
La Taxonomía de Finanzas Sostenibles de Costa Rica define qué es una inversión ambientalmente sostenible de manera estandarizada, estableciéndose un marco común de referencia que ayuda a los actores de la economía real y del sector financiero de Costa Rica a identificar aquellas inversiones que contribuyen al cumplimiento de los objetivos medio ambientales y sociales del país.
Climate Change, Events, Latin America & Caribbean, Training | 07 August 2024
Viaje hacia la mitigación climática en el sector financiero
Evento presencial y un taller de capacitación para acelerar la transición del sector financiero hacia el cero neto en materia de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.
Events, Latin America & Caribbean, Nature | 24 July 2024
Latin American and the Caribbean Finance and Biodiversity Day: CBD COP16 Side Event
Español | English | Português The link to register will follow shortly. In the meantime, please save the date and if…
Insurance, Latin America & Caribbean, News | 02 July 2024
Bogota Declaration on Sustainable Insurance Launches Technical Secretariat
The Bogota Declaration on Sustainable Insurance- The Bogota Declaration on Sustainable Insurance (BDSI), recently elected Fasecolda, Federation of Colombian Insurers,…