Hosted by UNEP FI and WWF Greening Financial Regulation Initiative, this webinar presents a new joint publication: Navigating Nature-related Regulations for Banks: Mapping the Policy Landscape.
As nature-related regulatory initiatives are picking up globally, this webinar helps attendees make sense of these developments around the world, and how broader policy frameworks interact. This public webinar is open to all who are interested, with a focus on representatives of banks, central banks and supervisors, and government policymakers.
Central banks and supervisors are starting to acknowledge the necessity of tackling nature-related risks as part of their prudential mandate. This includes financial risks arising from ecosystem degradation (physical risk) as well as from economic activities that don’t align with protecting and restoring nature (transition risk). Already, at least 29 jurisdictions around the world—totaling more than EUR 75 trillion of banking assets—have started reflecting nature-related considerations in their prudential frameworks. However, prudential regulation does not act in isolation, as it is part of a wider system of rules—such as corporate disclosures, taxonomies, and due diligence obligations—that depend on and inform each other. This creates a complex interplay of linkages that interact locally within jurisdictions but also globally across jurisdictions.
The first part of the webinar presents the main findings of the report. It provides a state of play of relevant nature-related banking regulations and identifies ways to promote coherence and synergies between prudential regulation and its policy-enabling environment. The second part of the webinar features case studies on nature-related policy initiatives by central banks.
0800-0900 GMT / 0900-1000 CET / 1000-1100 Cape Town / 1600-1700 Singapore / 1700-1800 Tokyo / 1800-1900 Canberra – Watch recording
The following speakers are confirmed:
- Marc Reinke, Co-chair of Taskforce on Nature-related Risk, NGFS / Head of Sustainable Finance Office, De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)
- Guan Schellekens, Team Lead of the Climate Risk Project Management Office, European Central Bank (ECB)
- Katie Lee Sheah Tsan, Manager Sustainability Unit, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)
- Sem Houben, Nature Risk & Policy Specialist, UNEP FI
- Pina Saphira, Nature Economy Lead, WWF Greening Financial Regulation Initiative
- Maud Abdelli, Lead, WWF Greening Financial ReguIation Initiative
- Laura Canas da Costa, Global Policy Co-Lead, UNEP FI
- Romie Goedicke den Hertog, Nature Co-Lead, UNEP FI
- Part 1 – The global state of play of nature-related regulations for banks
- Part 2 – Case studies on nature-related policy initiatives by central banks