Please provide feedback on UNEP FI’s draft study Demystifying Circular Economy Finance by submitting responses to the 10 questions below by 11pm CET on Tuesday, 16 June 2020.

  1. Do you consider the recommendations to the private sector concise, relevant and concrete? How would you improve them?

  2. Do you consider the recommendations to supervisors and regulators, legislators concise, relevant and concrete? How would you strengthen them?

  3. Is the difference between linear and circular economy clearly explained? If not what specifically would you like to see in the structure /framing?

  4. Do you consider the explanation of assumptions behind the used scenarios concise and clear? If not please provide suggestions.

  5. Do you consider the definition of CE Finance in the report sufficiently clear? If not, please provide suggestions.

  6. Is the tone in the report balanced enough between the positives and negatives of a circular and linear economy? If not, please explain.

  7. Do you consider the link with key financial industry frameworks (PRI, PSI, PRB) and circular economy to be clear and concise? If not, what further clarification is needed?

  8. Do you consider the coverage of CE financial instruments and metrics sufficiently complete? If not please provide suggestions.

  9. Do you consider the sector coverage of the report sufficiently complete for the financial sector? If not please provide suggestions for further research.

  10. Do you consider the geographical coverage sufficiently complete? Do you have any other suggestions of examples to include?

Thank you for participating in the consultation and contributing to UNEP FI’s study.