The circular economy has significant potential to help meet global sustainability goals, address local environmental priorities, support net zero and climate change objectives, and deliver economic returns. However, the financing of circular solutions faces challenges.

This World Circular Economy Forum 2021 (WCEF2021) Accelerator Session focussed on advancing and scaling up circular financing, from the global to the local level. Financing the Circular Economy Transition begun with a global view of circular finance opportunities and challenges curated by the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), followed by an in-depth look at local Canadian applications and case studies curated by Circular Economy Leadership Canada (CELC).

Powered by GLOBE Series, the outcomes-oriented virtual session focussed on keyframing questions including:

  • Despite a lack of harmonized frameworks, taxonomies, and metrics, what circular financing solutions are being implemented today?
  • How can we accelerate the scale-up of circular finance within the financial sector, to financial institutions not yet actively involved in circular financing, and across the supply chain, including SMEs?
  • What are the potential returns and associated risks of investing in circular products, services, and solutions?
  • How can we leverage the intersection of circular economy with broader ESG investment opportunities, the UN SDGs, net-zero climate commitments, and green economic recovery objectives?

Watch the session’s recording below:

Download the session’s report in English or in French.