Approximately two thirds of UNEP FI’s PRB signatories are currently using the Portfolio Impact Analysis Tool for Banks. Depending on the nature of their portfolios, some are using the Investment Portfolio Impact Analysis Tool. A number of banks are also using the Corporate Impact Analysis Tool to analyse clients, while the latter can use it as a self-assessment tool. Finally, financial institutions, investors and stakeholders within and beyond the UNEP FI membership are building their own resources and tools using the Impact Radar and Impact Mappings.
Implementation Support for Impact Analysis & Management
UNEP FI offers tailored support to its member banks for the implementation of its sustainable finance frameworks (in particular the Principles for Responsible Banking), as well as in navigating the broader sustainable finance policy and regulatory environment. This includes coverage of the impact analysis and management resources.
- Learn more about UNEP FI implementation support for impact analysis and management here. (members only)
Peer Learning & further Content Development
User experience is a key ingredient feeding into the on-going development of UNEP FI’s impact analysis and management resources. Working Groups comprising leading experts with diverse backgrounds are set up on a needs-basis to support the development and iteration process of the different resources.
Contact us via this form if you would like to get involved in our Working Groups.
The following Working Groups are currently running:
- The UNEP FI-ESRS Interoperability Working Group
Working Group members:
Banca Transilvania, Banco Santander, BBVA (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A.), BMO Financial Group, Commercial International Bank Egypt (CIB), COOP Pank, Crédito Agrícola, Danske Bank, evolutiq Impact Advisory GmbH, Julius Baer, La Banque Postale, LABORAL KUTXA, NLB d.d. / NLB Group, OTP Bank, Piraeus Financial Holdings, PPI AG/ Federal Association Impact Investing, SpareBank 1 Østlandet, Spuerkeess (Banque et Caisse d’Epargne, Luxembourg), Triodos Bank, West African Development Bank (BOAD).
- Find out more about UNEP FI’s work on ESRS, and access the UNEP FI-ESRS Interoperability Package here.
Past Working Groups
This Working Group developed the third version of the Portfolio Impact Analysis Tool, in which the Tool was shifted to a modular format.
The Working Group was composed of:
Absa Bank Ltd., AlexBank (Bank of Alexandria), Arbejdernes Landsbank, Banco Bolivariano, Banco de la Produccion S.A Produbanco, Banco Diners Club del Ecuador, Banco Grupo Promerica Nicaragua, Banco Machala, Banco Pichincha, Bancolombia, Banque Misr, Barclays Group plc, BBVA, Benefitial State Bank, BGR, BMCE Bank, BMO (Bank of Montreal), BNC (National Bank of Canada), BOI, BPMB, CaixaBank, Commerzbank, Credit Suisse, Danske Bank, Deutsche Bank, DGB Financial Group, Garanti BBVA, GLS Bank, Golomt Bank, Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar, Grupo Financiero Banamex, Hana Financial Group, Handelsbanken, Isbank (TÜRKIYE İŞ BANKASI A.Ş.), Julius Baer & Co. Ltd., Jyske Bank, Kaiser Partner Privatbank, KB Financial Group, KCB (Kenya Commercial Bank), La Banque Postale, Land Bank (Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa), LHV Group, Monex, NAB (National Australia Bank Ltd.), Natixis, NatWest Group, Nomura, Nordea Bank, Pictet Group, Piraeus Bank, Procredit Group, Rabobank, Raiffeisen Bank International, Republic Financial Holdings Limited, Trinidad., Sparebank, Spuerkass, Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd., Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, Swedbank AB, TD Bank Group, UBS Group, Vancity (Vancouver City Savings Credit Union), Yapi Kredi, Yes Bank.
Set up together with the Value Reporting Foundation, the SDGs Working Group worked to explore the treatment of the SDGs within integrated reporting and integrated thinking more broadly. The purpose of this project was to support organisations to integrate sustainable development issues into their strategy and communicate their contribution to achieving the UN SDGs through their integrated report, as well as to inform decisions, policies and tools of supranationals and others.As part of this work members of the working group self-applied the UNEP FI Corporate Impact Analysis Tool. Learnings from this process were used to inform the 2023 update of the Tool. As part of this work members of the working group self-applied the UNEP FI Corporate Impact Analysis Tool. Learnings from this process were used to inform the 2023 update of the Tool.
The Working Group was composed of:
Cbus, Garanti Bank, ING, Standard Bank, Mazars, Durham University, Metro Pacific Investments Corporation, Novartis, Ravensdown, Schiphol Airport, Tata Steel.
This Working Group developed the second version of the Portfolio Impact Analysis Tool. It was split in different subgroups based on the following business lines: consumer banking, business banking, corporate banking and investment banking.
The Working Group was composed of:
Absa Bank Ltd., AIB Group (Allied Irish Banks), Banco de la Produccion S.A Produbanco, Banco Diners Club del Ecuador, Banco Grupo Promerica Nicaragua, Banco Machala, Banco Pichincha, Bancolombia, Banque Misr, Barclays Group Plc, BBVA, Beneficial State Bank, BGR, BMCE Bank, BMO (Bank of Montreal), BN Bank ASA, BNC (National Bank of Canada), BNP, BPMB, BOI, CaixaBank, Cajamar, Commerzbank, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, DGB Financial Group, First Rand Group Ltd., GLS Bank, Golomt Bank, Grupo Financiero Banamex, Hana Financial Group, Handelsbanken, Julius Baer & Co. Ltd., Jyske Bank, Kaiser Partner Privatbank, KB Financial Group, KCB (Kenya Commercial Bank), La Banque Postale, Land Bank (Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa), LHV Group, Lloyds Banking Group, NAB (National Australia Bank Ltd.), Natixis, Nedbank, Nordea Bank, Piraeus Bank, RBS, SB1 Ostlandet, Shinhan Financial Group, Société Générale, Sparebank, Spuerkass, Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd., Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings/Bank, Swedbank AB, TD Bank Group, UBS Group, Vancity (Vancouver City Savings Credit Union), Westpac Banking Corporation, YapiKredi, Yes Bank Ltd.
The Investment Portfolio Impact Analysis Tool was developed to enable signatories to the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) to meet their requirements under Principle 2 on impact analysis. It complements the Bank Portfolio Impact Analysis Tool, which focuses on Consumer, Business, Corporate and Investment Banking, but does not cover investment portfolios. The work and user experiences of the Working Group Members are reflected in the Tool.
The Working Group was composed of:
Barclays, Calvert, Julius Bär, Jyske Bank, LHV, Grupo Financiero Monex, Nomura, Nordea, Pictet, Swedbank, TD, UBS.
The Real Estate Impact Analysis Tool was developed to enable financial institutions to holistically identify and assess the impacts associated with the real estate investments and portfolios. The Real Estate Impact Analysis Tool is a follow-on of the Positive Impact Real Estate Investment Framework published by the UNEP FI’s Property Working Group in collaboration with other investor networks in 2018. The Tool expands on and further operationalises the work undertaken in 2018.
The development process was conducted collaboratively through a dedicated Impact Analysis Working Group made up of Members of the UNEP FI’s Property Working Group, including users of the Positive Impact Real Estate Investment Framework, as well as representatives from UNEP FI’s banking membership seeking to refine the impact analysis processes they have underway to meet the requirements of the Principles for Responsible Banking.
The Working Group was composed of:
Bridges Fund Management, BMO, CBRE Global Investors, CDP Immobiliare, CSR Design, District Honor, Gatehouse Bank, Handelsbanken, Investa, Nomura Real Estate Asset Management, Mitsubishi Corp UBS Realty, SuMi TRUST, Zurich.
This Working Group developed the first version of the Portfolio Impact Analysis Tool to guide banks through an impact analysis of their portfolios.
The Working Group was composed of:
Alexbank, Banco Pichincha, Bancolombia, Bank of Ireland, Banque Misr, Barclays, BBVA, BMO, Bradesco, CIMB, Citibanamex, Crédit Mutuel, Credit Suisse, Desjardins, FirstRand, Garanti BBVA, Gatehouse Bank, Handelsbanken, Intesa Sanpaolo, Julius Bär, Jyske Bank, KB Financial Group, KCB, La Banque Postale, Laboral Kutxa, Land Bank, Mizuho, National Australia Bank, National Bank of Canada, OP, Paris Bank, ProCredit Bank, Raiffeisen, Santander, SEB, Shinhan Financial Group, SpareBank 1, Société Générale, Spuerkeess, Standard Bank, Standard Chartered, TD, SMBC (Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation), SuMi Trust, Vancity, Westpac Group, Yes Bank.
In April 2020, two open-source tools for impact analysis were released by UNEP FI to support members’ implementation of the commitment to Impact Analysis within the framework of the PRB: the Portfolio Impact Analysis Tool for Banks, which provides a top-down, global analysis of bank’s portfolios, and the Corporate Impact Analysis Tool, which focuses on individual corporate entities. The development process of the Corporate Impact Analysis Tool was conducted in 2019-2020 over a period of 12 months and involved a Working Group made up of banks, investors and service providers.
The Working Group was composed of:
Aviva, AXA, Banco de Machala, Bank of Ireland, BMCE Bank, BMCE Bank of Africa, BMO, BNP Paribas, CDG Capital, Deutsche Bank, EY, Garanti BBVA Group, Impax Asset Management, Itaú, JCR, KPMG, Land Bank, Mirova, National Australia Bank, Natixis, Nuveen, Praes Bank, Société Générale, SuMi TRUST, Vigeo Eiris, Yes Bank.
UNEP FI thanks Japan Credit Rating Agency Ltd. (JCRA) and Quants Research Inc. (QR) whose support enabled an update of the Tool in 2023.
You may also be interested in
- Download the UNEP FI Tools for Holistic Impact Analysis here.