UNEP FI Member Banks and Signatories, with the support of UNEP FI, are now working on addressing the key environmental and social needs of our society by enabling a sustainable recovery, in line with their commitments under the Principles for Responsible Banking.

COVID-19 has caused unprecedented impacts to our health and economies around the world. UNEP FI Member Banks and Principles for Responsible Banking Signatories have reacted quickly to respond to immediate emergencies created by the pandemic. They have taken extraordinary measures to support their corporate clients, retail customers, governments and communities and support. Some of their responses were collected in this database.  

Research Project on the Sustainable Recovery

In 2020, in response to the pandemic, UNEP FI’s  Principles for Responsible Banking Signatories collaborated on a research project looking at the credible and feasible ways in which banks can proactively accelerate the green and inclusive economy post COVID.

Through mixed methods, including interviews with major banking stakeholders, this research is focusing on opportunities and actions banks can take in the medium term and is exploring, among other areas, sectoral based climate transitions in the sectors hardest hit by the economic shutdown, product and partnership innovation supporting an inclusive recovery, and organisational adaptability as countries emerge from the crisis.

How can banks responsibly address the sustainable recovery ?

For an outline of how banks can responsibly address the sustainable recovery, watch the video below from James Vaccaro, Special Advisor to Principles for Responsible Banking co-founder Triodos Bank and Executive Director at Re:Pattern.