07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
19 December 2023Banking, Climate Change, Insurance, Investment, Nature, News, Policy, Pollution & Circular Economy, SDGs and Impact, Social
17 May 2022Events, Roundtables
News, Pollution & Circular Economy | 19 April 2024
One hundred and sixty financial institutions and two industry stakeholders from around the world are calling on governments to negotiate an ambitious treaty to end plastic pollution ahead of negotiations taking place at the fourth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC-4) next week.
Banking, Climate Change, Insurance, Investment, Nature, News, Pollution & Circular Economy, Regions, SDGs and Impact, Social, UNEP FI in the News | 04 April 2024
UNEP FI and Building Bridges are joining forces to bring four days of action on sustainable finance to Geneva, Switzerland.…
Banking, Insurance, News, Pollution & Circular Economy | 28 February 2024
Events, Pollution & Circular Economy, Webinars | 01 February 2024
During this webinar and ahead of INC-4, UNEP FI and partners will open the Finance Statement on Plastic Pollution for signatures. All financial institutions are invited to sign the statement to call on governments for an ambitious plastics treaty that creates the mandatory framework and the enabling environment for the private finance sector to fully play its role in ending plastic pollution.
Banking, Events, Policy, Pollution & Circular Economy, Webinars | 21 December 2023
This webinar will explore regulatory developments necessary to support banks in integrating and mitigating plastic-related risks and impacts in their business activities.
Banking, Climate Change, Insurance, Investment, Nature, News, Policy, Pollution & Circular Economy, SDGs and Impact, Social | 19 December 2023
2023 provided more evidence of the devastating impacts of climate change, conflict and inequality on communities and economies around the…
News, Pollution & Circular Economy | 31 October 2023
Ahead of the next negotiations to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution (INC-3) next month, the UNEP…
Pollution & Circular Economy, Publications | 31 October 2023
Under a business-as-usual scenario, the volume of mismanaged plastics waste is projected to grow substantially to well over 250 million…
Events, Pollution & Circular Economy, Webinars | 31 October 2023
The World Economic Forum’s Global Plastic Action Partnership, The Circulate Initiative and UNEP FI are inviting you to the webinar…
Banking, Climate Change, Events, Insurance, Investment, Nature, North America, Pollution & Circular Economy, SDGs and Impact, Social | 22 August 2023
Find out more about UNEP FI's presence at the world's largest climate-focused event.