07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
19 December 2023Banking, Climate Change, Insurance, Investment, Nature, News, Policy, Pollution & Circular Economy, SDGs and Impact, Social
17 May 2022Events, Roundtables
Events, Nature, News | 21 March 2006
21 March 2006 | Curitiba, Brazil Overview Recent years have seen increasing pressure on the finance sector to address environmental…
Events, Nature, News | 26 August 2005
26 August 2005 | Stockholm, Sweden Innovative mechanisms are needed to finance development in the water and sanitation sector, in…
Nature, Publications | 11 January 2005
The importance of private sector participation in the water sector for the benefit of water sustainability.
Nature, Publications | 22 September 2004
An overview of water scarcity issues and case studies from Latin America and Africa.
Events, Nature, News | 17 August 2004
,17 August, 2004 | Stockholm, Sweden The main drive behind this meeting was to present the preliminary findings of the…