07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
Principles for Responsible Banking
Banking, Publications, Target Setting | 21 April 2021
Guidelines for Climate Target Setting for Banks
The Guidelines for Climate Target Setting for Banks outline key principles to underpin the setting of credible, robust, impactful and ambitious targets in line with achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
Banking, PRB Guidance, Principles for Responsible Banking, Publications, Social, Target Setting | 03 February 2021
Guidance on Gender Equality Target Setting
The Guidance on Gender Equality Target Setting delivers a practical example of what a gender equality target can look like, providing guidance on the different elements of setting targets in line with the requirements of the PRB, and what alignment with international and national frameworks can look like. Esta guía está disponible en español.
PRB Implementation, Principles for Responsible Banking, Publications, Reporting | 30 November 2020
Guidance on Reporting and Providing Limited Assurance
The Reporting Guidance supports signatories of the PRB with reporting on their implementation of the Principles. The Guidance for Assurance Providers: Providing Limited Assurance for Reporting aims at assisting assurance providers with undertaking limited assurance on PRB reporting, and at harmonizing the assurance approach and procedures for signatory banks.
Banking, Impact Analysis, Principles for Responsible Banking, Publications | 30 March 2020
Guidance on Impact Analysis
The Guidance Document on Impact Analysis provides more detailed explanations of the requirements for conducting an impact analysis, what data is required, who in your bank you should reach out to, and examples of the external stakeholders your bank could engage with.
Banking, Principles for Responsible Banking, Publications | 01 July 2019
Principles for Responsible Banking
The Principles for Responsible Banking provide the much-needed framework for the sustainable banking system of the future – and enable…